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Everything posted by Tanya

  1. help our code panel has gone wrong was entering the code and it's gone mad lights flashing and beeping and the car won't start how do we get the car to start????
  2. Thanks for that info, much appreciated. It's an M reg, I think that's a '97. To disconnect the pad, is it as easy as easing out the pad? Say with a screwdriver or something? Thanks again Tanya
  3. Hello I've recently purchased a Citroen Xantia but unfortunatley it didn't have the manual with it. I need to know how to change the start code. I think the default is 1,1,1,1 - problem is, the 1 is on it's way out. Can anyone help? Also, the dash light seems to have gone very dim, is there anyway this can be turned up? Thanks Tanya :unsure: ps... maybe someone has a manual they could share? :rolleyes:
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