ive had my c3 1.4hdi for around 4 yrs now its a 2003 model i love this car, so far ive never had any major problems changed brakes all round and a few other bits oh and both front springs replaced but my problem now is pulling its pulling to the left quite alot. and i can feel it in my right arm after a long journey had it in my local (not citoren dealer) garage. they have had it for 4 days and can not tell me what is wrong they tracked it but its still pulling, they have stripped it down, checked it , measured it but still puzzled by it i had both my front springs done about 3 months ago, a friend of a friend did them the garage said they were not seated correctly so they redid them they were puzzled, but said the only thing it may be is the steering failing or maybe the car been in a bad bump prior to me buying it. however they said although it was apparent it had had a left front bump they didnt think it was anything major as underneath it was ok they siad replacing the rack now was not a good option as it may not be that, and that its difficult to tell at this stage if it is the rack anyone had a similar prolem oh they did mention about having it 4 wheel aligned to see if the chasis was straight