Well today I had the LHM changed. I got the guy who did my spheres to do it, and he did a thorough job (washing filters in petrol etc), and he used LHM+ and it was sparkling green - thanks Marty. He said that the front of the car was a little high, but he couldn't do anything about it as he doesn't have a ramp to raise the car on. He said something about a screw or nut that just needs a slight tweak to bring the front down a bit. I'll have to look into this one. I don't know if I'm getting a false sense of new comfort, but the car does seem to be a lot better now. Can replacing fluid make such a difference? He said that he thought it had been changed once before in it's lifetime (It's 9 years old, I've had it nearly 5), and that It was the right time to change it. Apart from the slight problem with the front height corrector, all seems well now. Thanks for your input guys. But I'm not going to cut and shut now, I'll hang around here and maybe find out a bit more about my beloved Xantia, and maybe get to know one or two of you guys. Thanks again for your help and advice Paul.