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  1. Hi as is tipical my blower for the hot air has decided that the middle of winter is the time to pack up.....it was working intermitantly and making some funny noises. Does this sound like a motor that has gone?......if so any ideas where it is and how hard it is to change ....haynes dont make a manual for my age of xsara 2002 hdi which is helpful thanks
  2. Hi I have a 2002 xsara 2.0l HDI It has a normal cigerette lighter and an aditional 12v power outlet in the passenger footwell neigther of which seem to be working......i have tried to plug in different devices ie mp3 charger...........sat nav charger and none of them work i thought at first it may be a fuse so i checked and was told that two fuses control both outlets 23 and 23b both of which are 20amp when i opened the fuse box in the drivers footwell i can't work out how you fit two 20amp fuses into what is essentially space for 1.5 fuses ie there seams to be 3 slots i have never seen a blade fuse with 3 prongs am i missing something.....If it turns out that the fuses are ok any ideas what else could be wrong.........please help i need power thanks
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