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Everything posted by christian6984

  1. Heres what happened when i tried to get my wheel off (yes i had to jump on the bar!), it broke! They should give garages proper torque wrenches. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/Clio.jpg
  2. The log book hasnt come from the DVLA yet, not sure where the parents put the little form, and they are on holiday at the min, but is a 2002 on a '52' plate i am nearly certain it got registered in september 2002, will update when, i find the small slip, V5 turns up, Cheers for all ur help guys Christian
  3. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/DSCF0866.jpg Ok i assume its 093366 which came up with something mad like 1976 but tried '9366' which was 30 june 2002? is this correct?
  4. oh thanx for that, i tried it to no avail, i looked at parkers and the light sensor came in @ August 2002, the car was registered after this september onwards being a 52reg, but the date of the seatbelts is the production date is june 2002
  5. Damn looks like it started in august 02, should i believe the artice do u think http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/equipment/De...spx?deriv=23013
  6. it has the rain sensor (i thought they would come as one like they do on my 2003 clio dynamique) i thought the come as one as it is operated by the sensor at the top of the window, i just looked at the date on the seatbelts which says ''25 06 02'', sorry for my ignorance what is KFK? heres a few pics http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/CIMG0212.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/CIMG0213.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/CIMG0214.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/CIMG0215.jpg Should it say auto on the end of the indicator stalk? Cheers for the help guys, really appreciated
  7. unfortunately not, it came from a small localish trader in Eccleston near chorley. As for the car its a 2002 52 reg with 38k on and it had had 2 owners Arnold Clark Lease Hold and another Lady, it has FSH
  8. i know its annoyed me a bit, it had a new battery on it before we picked it up last week (but if the rain sensor works i cannot understand the light sensor not working), unfortunatley cant take it to the dealer till log book arrives and can tax it :D
  9. well some good news the rain sensor works (handy as its raining here a min ago) but i have also tapped it and it wipes, but there is no dong sound from the indicator stalk, i have heard a dong noise the other day when i caught cruise control the other day, it bong'ed when i switched it off.
  10. thanks i went out to try it on every mode of ignition setting, no bong/dong noise unfortuantley, i started the engine and put my hand over the sensor like i can on my clio, but nothing. i would check fuses but until i get the handbook bit tricky. Do u suspect it maybe a main dealer job if needs fixing
  11. Cheers Lee thats really helpful, i went out to give that a try but not had any luck, cant hear any dong (is the accessorie mode of ignition is that the one just before starting the engine.) Thanx Christian
  12. Hiya my first post on here, after a bit of advice / help, my mum has just got a used Citroen c3 and the dealer is posting us the owner handbook and i am unsure of a few buttons, one of which is the auto lights (got a rain sensor so assume it all comes as one, i.e. big hub at top of window inside), how do u turn them on, its nothing obvious that i can see and show no similarities to my renault clios method, i am stumped, also is there anywhere to download the user book, renault have it under 'My Renault' but citroen dont seem to have anything. this is it, its a 1.6 manual exclusive i think. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t55/christian6984/Citroen%20C3/CIMG0178.jpg any help greatly received Christian
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