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  1. So there is know whay it can come out as a seperate unit via one screw?........... Right I'll assume even a worse position now and try looking under the drivers side of the dashboard............. Is it feasible taking the whole blower out and replace the burnt out resistor with a wire wound high watage varierty.......... even swap it with a wire wound rehostat and have the motor speeds variable. Glad I wasnt a big girl and not able to spot it on the passenger side, Cheers Dave Townsend
  2. Now not wishing to look a gift horse in the mouth................. I assumed a position in the car I've not got anywhere near since the days of girlfriends and parked up somewhere dark. Now looking under the dash on the passenger side of my "R" reg right hand drive Saxo. There is no resistor pack to be found and the plastic trim under the glove box is all part of the complete dash board....... So no way is that comming off....... Now the four wires leaving the heater blower switch dissapere into a large loom of taped up cables and dissapere where the sun does not shine........ These four cables as per the wiring diagram are attached to the resistors in the pack....... Now I'll try not to act like a big girl here but please can it be made clear as a bell where this pack is?
  3. I know by looking at the circuit diagram off the internet, that the problem I have with my heater blower only working full on position 3. Means that the reisistor in curcuit at position 1 and 2 is open curcuit. The problem is with my head under the dash board unable to find it............. If Im sitting in the drivers seat of a right hand drive citroen saxo...... WHERE DO I LOOK and how do I remove the resistor pack?
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