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  1. No noise. The only noise is the sound of that funny little spring loaded piston under the brake pedal. Apart from that - nothing. You think maybe it could be a warped disk ?? Also - as l have never had a Xantia before - l am assuming this is supposed to have ABS but there is no light on the dashboard when l turn the ignition on. Should there be ??? OR is it possible the bulb has blown or the previous owner pulled it ?? IF there is supposed to be a light on the dash then l think l'll pull the facia and have a looksie behind. I have a Xantia 1.9TD R reg estate Cheers
  2. Hi. My Xantia 1.9td r reg is doing exactly the same thing with the brakes. Just wondering if you found out what it was ??? Cheers
  3. Hi. I've heard about this spring in another forum and l'm hoping that's all it is. It's jsut strange cos when you have your foot on the brake it seems to go off and on. Otherwords it comes on strong and then off and then on again - ends up knocking you back and forth in the seat!! Hope it's not the compensator valve or something. Think l'll try the pipe technique tomorrow and see if that makes a difference - certainly won't hurt. Cheers
  4. Hi. My Xantia 1.9td judders when accelerating. I originally thought it might be a warped disk but it doesn't doesn't happen when braking. When you accelerate OR when the engine is understrain - otherwords put it in forth gear at forty mph and accelerate - the car judders and the gear stick starts leaping side to side. I'm thinking it might either be a mounting that's perished or possibly a inner CV joint. Anyone got any ideas ?? IF it is a inner cv joint is there a way of checking which one without having to take the shaft out ?? Thanks for any advice.
  5. Hi. I've just bought a R reg Xantia 1.9td. I've never had a citroen before so l'm not sure if this is normal - however it doesn't feel safe to me !! If you are crawling along and apply the brakes it will stop smoothly - IF you are breaking from speed and placing more pressure on the pedal then the car will stop smoothly no probs. However - if you are applying moderate pressure to break up to a junction for example, the breaks seem to come off an on quite harshly. It's almost as if the ABS (if it has abs ??) comes on. It will break hard then freewheel for a second and then break hard again - basically kangarooing to a stop. I have noticed that if l press the pedal very slightly it will take longer to stop but won't kangaroo. Anyone had this problem before ?? Could it be the abs sensors ?? Maybe they need a clean. I simply don't know ??!!? Any help would be great. Thanks.
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