Hi. I've just bought a R reg Xantia 1.9td. I've never had a citroen before so l'm not sure if this is normal - however it doesn't feel safe to me !! If you are crawling along and apply the brakes it will stop smoothly - IF you are breaking from speed and placing more pressure on the pedal then the car will stop smoothly no probs. However - if you are applying moderate pressure to break up to a junction for example, the breaks seem to come off an on quite harshly. It's almost as if the ABS (if it has abs ??) comes on. It will break hard then freewheel for a second and then break hard again - basically kangarooing to a stop. I have noticed that if l press the pedal very slightly it will take longer to stop but won't kangaroo. Anyone had this problem before ?? Could it be the abs sensors ?? Maybe they need a clean. I simply don't know ??!!? Any help would be great. Thanks.