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  1. It does mean that casual thieves are stopped though. Just for interest, the coding is actually held in the fuel injection pump and operates the stop valve, it can be bypassed but it ain't that easy.
  2. Plastic trim on the window struts can be the cause especially if the clips were damaged during assembly. You can notice it more on cold days because the plastic is less flexible.
  3. Take care to ensure only Bosch pumps are used with vegoil, I used vegoil with my Lucas pump and it was ok for nearly a year on about 25% mix before the seals went. The car ran well on vegoil and after it started to leak I ran the car on anything, even my old engine oil, just remember to to get the viscosity right by adding a small amount of petrol. It is important to remember that the fuel lubricates the pump and so if the viscosity is too high the pump won't get lubricated properly, especially on start-up The only other drawback on running vegoil is that I was hungry all the time because it smelt like a chippy !!!
  4. Could be a leaking fuel injection pump, it will look dark just like oil but will smell different. If it is a Lucas pump and the car has been run on any bio-fuel, it may have casued the leak. Good luck
  5. No worries, I have found the stop valve. The plate on the back of the pump secures a flat black plastic container that holds the circuit that operates the stop valve. if anyone wants more details of how to bypass the immobiliser I have details, including some photos. This works for the xsara fuel pump too.
  6. Sounds like your wiring from the keypad may have cracked, strip back and reconnect.
  7. I have bought a fuel pump from a scrap dealer, but I need to bypass the immobiliser because I don't have the code for the new pump. I believe I can do it by disconnecting the current electrical feed to the Fuel Stop Valve and replacing the feed with an ignition live feed. My main problem is that I don't have a diagram of the XUD101 pump and therefore don't know where the Fuel Stop Valve is, my Haynes manual only goes up to XUD9_ _ pumps. If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful.
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