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  1. To DickieG and iannez. I am replying as promised after the hols. You were spot-on with your diagnosis; the centre carrier bearing on the drive shaft was worn. problem solved. Many thank for your help and rapid replies. car
  2. Hi DickieG and iannez, many thanks for the replies. The problem is definitely worse under acceleration and load. Will investigate your suggestions and come back to you after the hols. All the best for the coming season, Regards, car
  3. sorry DickieG, should have entered this query in the Xantia section When you say "could be the drive shaft", do you mean bent? balance, bearing? tightness? regards car
  4. Hi you guys, this is my first post. The car belongs to a friend, the milage is 120K. The problem, which has only just started, is a heavy vibration felt mostly through the gear lever, but also through the car body. It appears during a fairly fast run after the everything has warmed up, it seems to be more noticable in 3rd. and 4th. less so in 5th. vibration vanishes on over-run. front wheels recently re-balanced, no vibration through steering wheel. Engine starts ok from cold, and settles down to a steady tickover no excessive vibration when cold, doesn't appear to be any notable loss of engine power. Gearbox mountings seem tight, belt tensioner bearing and carrier recently replaced, and that's about it. We're both retired engineers, and it's got us both scratching our heads. Has anyone else had, or heard of a similar problem? any suggestions would be gratefully received. car
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