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music man

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  1. After much discussion with various people I bit the bullet and had a new low pressure fuel pump fitted. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to have cured the starting problem below 0 degrees. I am thinking it is more to do with the glow plug controller. There must be a temperature sensor to determine when the glow plugs should be activated and also a relay. Does anyone know where these are located, as I cannot locate a manual for a 2001 HDI Xantia. Should there be a pre heat lamp indicator on the dash board like my old 1.9TD? As I cannot find one. Think the dimming light syndrome was the leaking hyd pump, which was dripping LHM into the alternator. I've since had a new pump fitted. Thanks After much discussion with various people I bit the bullet and had a new low pressure fuel pump fitted. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to have cured the starting problem below 0 degrees. I am thinking it is more to do with the glow plug controller. There must be a temperature sensor to determine when the glow plugs should be activated and also a relay. Does anyone know where these are located, as I cannot locate a manual for a 2001 HDI Xantia. Should there be a pre heat lamp indicator on the dash board like my old 1.9TD? As I cannot find one. Think the dimming light syndrome was the leaking hyd pump, which was dripping LHM into the alternator. I've since had a new pump fitted. Thanks
  2. Glow plugs have been checked and seem ok. Will see what happens with the impending cold weather. Will stand by to whack the tank! Don't have problem with heater fan either. I have noticed that the hydraulic pump seems to be leaking and depositing some oil onto the alternater underneath, which won't do it much good.
  3. This is my first post. I am having intermittent starting problems with my 2001 2.0 HDI Xantia. 9 times out of 10 it starts ok, but the 10th time (usually when it's a cold morning) it can take 3 or 4 attempts, turning the engine over for approximately 8 to 10 seconds each attempt. There is no degradation of the battery during this time and when it does jump into life, there is white smoke emitted from the exhaust. I took the car to a diesel specialist, who found a fault using the diagnostics machine. They changed a relay, but it has made no difference to the starting problem. Having owned a 1.9 TD prior to the HDI, I know that white smoke usually means glow plug problems, so I took the car to a local garage who specialise in Citroens to check them out. The glow plugs are fine and the battery is charging 14 volts and the alternator is charging ok. The garage couldn't find anything else wrong and recommend that I run it until it won't start at all. There is one other problem/fault. When driving from cold, the headlights dim when changing gear. This usually lasts for a few miles then is ok. This is why I had the battery and alternator checked. This might have nothing to do with the starting problem, but it does seem to be getting worse. Any clues anyone Thanks Tim :D :angry: :P
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