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Everything posted by justjim

  1. sometimes the release bearing can make a noise its to do with the arrangement on the clutch fork the release bearing is held onto the clutch fork br a spring its normal
  2. Hi everyone , Ive replaced the clutch on my c1 myself it's quite an easy job not rocket science . anyway have you had a new clutch? what milage was it replaced at ?was it replaced at a citroen workshop? was the pedal height higher than you expected ?dose your clutch smell on hill starts? please e mai me at this e mail address any problems with your c1 clutch that you have had mycitroenclutchreplaced@yahoo.co.uk. Citroen do not cover the clutch under warrenty I have done 37,000 miles I suspeted the clutch was too high when I collected the car told the garage was told it was normal height . spoke to local citroen workshop who told me the same . when I came to replaceing the clutch I found that the cover plate was in good condition and the pressure plate was worn down to riverts, This led me to think that the clutch pedal is set too high so it's like you riding the clutch which will lead to clutch wear very quickly now I'm no expert but on the pegeout owners club they are haveing difficulties with clutch please let me know.the clutch is adjustable its just a cable kind regards james
  3. go to find a part there must be quite a few red c1's about get a seconed hand red wing from find a part bout 60 quid fit it your self might be a bit fiddley but it didn't grow on there
  4. hey I am a driving instructor in north wales its a great car ! the very first thing I always do when getting a new teaching car is test this very vital part of our classroom . was the dual controls fitted by citroen or an outside contract? if citroen it should be covered by a warrenty takle to your dealership first if a contract fitted this part then you will need to take it up with them get to know you freindly tarding standards asjk them for advice. regards james I have a check test on wednesday good luck
  5. some of you are very good when I worked for a merc dealership we had a bonus on the following BRAKE PADS BRAKE DISCS EXHAUST SHOCKS get the picture I have just changed my pads fromunipart cost me £20.00 took 30 mins from start to finnish easy job push caliper back in houseing remove 13 mm bolt from bottem of caliper swivel up calipe houseing lever out old pads grease copper slip new pads replace caliper houseing replace 13 mm bolt pump brake pedel bobs your uncle its easy I reckon disc as well your talking 30 mins a side in a good garage thats an hours labour don't be fooled !!!!
  6. Hi everyone I am a driving school instructor . This is a cracking little car I have had mine since feburay 08 and have done 33,ooo miles with no problems no water leaks no huge serviceing cost's cheap on tax even better on fuel an excellent car. I have noticed that a few owners are useing Citroen workshops for serviceing there was a ruleing in the eec back in the 80's about block examption,after you have had your first post delivery inspection carried out at 1500 miles take your car to be serviced at a good local workshop make sure they use citroen oil and parts and that they retain the invoices then your warrenty will still be covered . I have been in the motor trade and started life working for citroen in the good old days of cx,2cv,gs,ami,dyane,etc I ended up working for Mercedes and all car companies are the same. When you go for a launch of a new car as I did for xm,xantia,mercs aston etc they all fill you with the same crap they try and sell you the concept that this car is a world beater it's the best nothing comes close what a load of crap I was with Mazda europe in may 07 at the launch in germany of there new bread of cars same crap diffrent manufactor .so get wise they need you to take your car into there workshops there counting on you this is were the dealers make there money in labour and parts and the manufactors make theres in selling more parts to the dealers. did you know that when I worked for mers a basic c class oil filter part number 1041800109 would be discounted to the dealer at 50% off! so its like my job I get pupils who come from bsm or the aa we are all trained the same except these are huge companies that charge a lot for an hour I am on my own so no overheads and I get by on 20.00 an hour. so good luck enjoy this great little car but don't bre ripped off by main agents and Citroen you should start to read the threads on this site and improve the seating covers there crap I'm haveing mine done under warrenty
  7. I am running a c1 Vibe as a driving school car in fact I have done 32,000 miles since it was new in feburay I have just replaced these tyres which were mitchlen what make of tyre is fitted as I reckon mitch to be one of the best.
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