Hi How long should sheres last? I bought a 2008 C5 Exclusive and found the ride quality to be crap compared to my Mk 1, what happens is on uneven roads the car pitches from side to side which means you do too, it's like being on a boat, anyway Citroen have said that it needs 4 new spheres all round. It's done 48k, is that about right? Funny thing is when I spoke to the mechanic and he told my spheres were gone I asked "so did the diagnostic machine identify that?" to which he replied "No, you can tell just by pressing up and down on the corners of the car". So if he identified that by pushing up and down on the suspension for 10 secs what the hell was i paying an hours labour for, for it to go on the diagnostics machine??? Anyway let's leave that aside as it's getting done under warranty. thanks