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  1. I dont usually set the limiter. I prefer Cruise set at 73 solo. Don't use Cruise when towing - feels weird and not in control. The 'peep' occurs with or without Cruise on. Not the Radio. Rarely have it on but do have it set for traffic reps. Not a driving safety issue - just wish I knew what it was - and why it starts part way through a journey and stops when you take a break and restart the car. Thanks for taking the time to think it through.
  2. Paul Its not related to OAT - it happens during the Summer too. Not Seat helt warning. Not Service due. Up to date and reset. Radio off. I tried turning off AC and cabin fan once and it made no difference. It only starts after quite a while into a journey. It's definitely an electronic 'peep', about one second duraion, quite high pitched and very very faint, a bit like the warning peeps you get from your laptop/PC when its going wrong. Its constant in its timing - about every minute or so once it starts. Once the car has stopped and engine off, like at a motorway services, its gone! Not life-threatening of course but a real Mystery.
  3. From time to time, during a long run, say more than 1.1/2 hrs, a faint 'peep' sound can be heard, presumably from somewhere inside the dash. It repeats about every minute or so. No warning messages etc etc - everything is fine. If I ignore it, car continues to drive fine except that the 'peep' starts to get on your wick. Any ideas where it comes from? Is there some tiny beeper hidden away for an obscure reason? Note - if I take break at a service station say - the "peep' has gone when I restart! D"uh!!
  4. I never asked. Sorry. Its Service time in January - will the onboard system have retained it?
  5. Thanks Paul. Sorry for delay - holidays got in the way. Spoke to my independent Citroen garage (who've looked after my Citroens for 20 yrs) and he said to bring it in and they'd put their Reader on as a Freebie. So far so good. On the way there the message Disappeared (!!) and no existing fault showed on the Reader. Odd.
  6. I stupidly tried to start my 2010 C5 Tourer whilst in gear (!!) but very quickly dumped the clutch and turned ignition off. On second attempt I got, and still get,a dashboard message that anti-pollution is faulty and the warning light is on. The engine now seems to idle faster. Is this a false indication that needs a reset at my citroen garage OR have I just damaged something. All help appreciated
  7. Update - on our way on holiday and only a couple of miles from home and "ding, ding" the battery warning light comes on plus the message to tell me that either the battery or charging circuit had gone on strike. Unable to stop the car, switch off and restart, i had to keep going a few minutes. Note 1 - whatever is happening takes the AC off line. Note 2 - just as i was able to stop, the warning light went out and the AC came back in!! We continued our 200 mile journey without any further problem. Go figure!!
  8. Its driving me bonkers! Got the hang of the quirky input required to get NAV to give a sensible route - BUT - how do I set a Stopover to ensure it takes me via a specific location? Its there on the screen Menu but Greyed Out and I cant find any way of activating it. The car came minus Handbook so if its in there, I apologise. Any help always appreciated.
  9. Hi Paul et all, By sheer fluke I found out how to DELETE a Destination address from the list!! Go to the Nav menu as normal that displays all the addresses you've loaded over time. Using the centre knob, scroll to the one you want to get rid of. Push centre button in and HOLD. A Menu will appear, one of the options is "Delete this Entry". Another option is to "Delete Entire List" Hooray!!
  10. Delated thanks for this info. I WAS going to pop into Halfords and get them to fit one. I think I'll do ut myself as i cant see their Fitters doing anh of this. Best regards Ian
  11. The battery is now 6 yrs old and may need replacing this Winter. Is changing the battery as simple as it used to be " in the old days" or is there a procedure that must be followed? And- if i need to charge up the battery,do i just clip the leads to the terminal posts?
  12. Hi Paul One out of two aint bad!! Yes, i had completely forgotten about the centre push button knob! Its always been on the rotating setting which is not a bad thing at all UNTIL last week when trying to find an alternative route south to avoid the M5 Car Park which was J4a to J8, i couldnt get my mind oriented round the screen image and the map book. So, I'll try it this way on the way Oop North on Saturday. Would Factory Reset empty address book or would it mess up the radio stations?? Thanks for the help Ian BTW - I got off at J6, took A4440, then A38 to the M5O J1, which joined M5 south of Tewkesbury. Winner!!
  13. 2010 C5 Tourer+NAV Q1 - How do I stop the rolling Nav map from rotating with the car please? I want it to show fixed North. Q2 - since I got the car, the 'Destinations' is full of previous Owners ones. How do I delete the complete address book please? Regards Ian
  14. Thanks John, the clips were perfect! Paul, the 703024s cost £6.26 each inc VAT. I needed 3 as 3 were OK after a bit of a clean up. The sill WAS REPAIRABLE after some straightening and tidying up - thanks for suggesting I give it a Go. Its quite "fun" (not!) getting everything to line up when re-fitting but not as difficult as I thought. A wipeover afterwards with a rag loaded with WD40 and it looks great!! Cheers Ian
  15. If this is Mk3 there is one on ebay right now - £45. Sorry, dont know how to copy and paste link from my phone. HTH
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