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xsar@hdi2008's Achievements


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  1. thanks removed fuel pump there was no filter attached..... so i have bought a new pump now i have fuel gauge and pressure..... only the car is refusing to start at present....think there maybe a simple thing i have over looked some where.
  2. have removed fuel pump found it had no filter on it....so there is a chance of high dirt in the fuel system.... and the fuel sender was not connecting hence the permanent none fuel Gauge level So decided to replace the unit bought a new one and has fitted it Now car wont start .. at all......i think there is some sort of air in the diesel system......have to investigate more...
  3. tried this it doesnt do anything for my light on dash
  4. does this car has problem code P0230....have u checked . i have same problem just cannot clear it or find source
  5. right keep getting 3 P0230 codes logged on MeMoScAn U381 tool...# i know it is fuel related but not sure if best to start pump end or relay end ? has anyone else got this issue and have you resolved it loss of power and stalling complete cut out of power without warning or hesitation car starts 1st time and runs when driven well , just wont idle for more then 20 mins without hitting gas pedal and stalling the car.. 1.Wiring and/or connections to/from fuel pump(relay) shorted/open 2.Fuel pump damaged 3.Control Module damaged P0230 - Fuel Pump : :NOTE: For natural gas : * Open or shorted : * When the FPF PID : : Primary Circuit : applications, the : fuel pump (FP) : reads YES, a fault : : Malfunction : following description : circuit : is currently : : : applies to the fuel : * Open VPWR circuit : present. : : : shutoff valve (FSV) : to fuel pump relay : * An open circuit or : : : circuit. The PCM : * Damaged fuel pump : short to ground can : : : monitors the fuel pump : relay : only be detected : : : (FP) circuit output : * Damaged PCM : with the fuel pump : : : from the PCM. The test : : commanded OFF. : : : fails if: With the FP : : * A short to power : : : output commanded ON : : can only be : : : (grounded), excessive : : detected with the : : : current draw is : : fuel pump commanded : : : detected on the FP : : ON. : : : circuit; or with the : : * During KOEO and : : : FP output commanded : : KOER self-test, the : : : OFF, voltage is not : : fuel pump output : : : detected on the FP : : command will be : : : circuit (the PCM : : cycled ON and OFF. : : : expects to detect VPWR : : : voltage coming through : : : the fuel pump relay : : : coil to the FP : : : circuit). : xsar@2008 thnxsssss
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