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  1. Latest from the Dealer on this issue is that they're stumped and have compiled a technical report for submission to Citroen France. I have to say, my confidence in the dealer has dropped to an all time low now and it would be great if anyone has any suggestions I could go to them with. Surely this has happened before????? :)
  2. I have had the same thing on my 2003 C8 2.2 Hdi, the garage reckoned it was the heater-plug control box burning out - when (if) I get it back, I'll see if it's cured. :-)
  3. Hi All My 2003 C8 2.2 Hdi has been in the garage with this problem for 3 weeks and they've basically run out of ideas so I was wondering if anyone on here had encountered the same problem. Car starts and idles perfectly from either hot or cold, but until warm will not rev above idle. When warm it revs and drives perfectly. So far the garage has replaced heater-plugs, heater-plug control box, EGR Valve, fuel filter and checked the fuel pump pressure. Initially it did have a permanent fault in the glow-plug system but now there are NO faults showing on the diagnostics at all. Anyone got any ideas (apart from changing the ECU)?
  4. I have been trying to source an up to date DVD for the Sat Nav on my 2003 C8 and the Citroen Dealer is being as much help as a chocolate teapot. The Parts Manager keeps asking me if it's a 'Telematics Connect' or a 'Telematics CT3' but when I ask "How can I find this out?" (as neither is written anywhere on the original discs or the case) He just says "I dunno" So we're at stalemate. Any chance someone could help me out with either how to find this out or "sell" me an up to date set of discs? :blink: Oooops!! Just noticed I put C7 in the title meant to say C8, sorry!
  5. Thanks but guess what? When I went to the dealer to collect the blind they'd ordered for me it turned out they'd ordered the wrong part (I thought it was cheap at €19) The new blind was quoted as €243 plus VAT a@ 21% so I decided to live without it. I got the door card 3/4 of the way off and I noticed that several of the plastic clips were broken or missing which I guess is the root of the door problem. In the meantime, I have been trying to source an up to date DVD for the Sat Nav and the Citroen Dealer is as much help as a chocolate teapot. They keep asking if it's a Telematics Connect or a Telematics (Something Else) but I keep asking "How can I find this out?" (as neither is written anywhere on the original discs or case) They just keep saying "I dunno" So we're at stalemate. I don't suppose.........? :-) Trucksavage
  6. Thanks, I'll give that a try at the weekend and let you know how I get on, I also have to replace the built in blind on the same door so I guess it's an opportunity to do both Cheers Trucksavage
  7. Hi all. I have a 2003 C8 and the passenger side rear sliding door won't close as it appears that the door trim panel has come adrift and catches as the motor tries to close it. Trouble is, I can't see how to get at the panel to get it refitted. With the door closed, the panel is wedged in the opening and obviously with the door open or partly open I can't reach the panel at all. Anyone know if there's a handy way to release the door or something?? Thanks in advance! Trucksavage
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