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  1. Well, if you have enough money, everything is easy. There is a good dealership network but it is very expensive so I'm trying on any other way to get what I need with some normal prices. For example, I can buy a new auto gear box for "only" 1500-2000 eur. I think that is to much for this car so I've decided to do something else and I think that I'm very close to get this problem to the end. Regards
  2. Thanks for the answer, it will help. Btw I'm from Serbia, Belgrade. Regards
  3. That'll be fine to sold you my old auto box, but unfortunately it'll be very difficult because I'm not from UK. I have few more questions for you. If I choose to replace my auto box with that one for Peugeot 406 Manual box), I want to know what is the situation with the following: 1. Pedal box for Pug 406-does it fit? 2. What about the flywheel and motor starter-same question? 3. Gearbox handle-could I put it instead of handle for auto box? Does it work on a bar principle or it is something else? Regards
  4. Thank you for this answer which I found very helpful for me. I also want to thank Stasi for his answer. I must make a decision how to solve this problem and I will take into consideration everything I could. Regards
  5. The clutches are dead. The car doesn't have enough power to go uphill even in manual mode. I've changed oil but it worked only two-three months and now it is dead. It needs replacement. Regards
  6. Yes, I know that it would be difficult. I was asking some people about that problem, and one of the answers was that maybe I could put a manual gear box from Peugeot 406. What do you think about that.? Regards
  7. Hi, I have a problem with gearbox in my Citroen C5 2.0 HDI automatic. I need to replace it so I'm wonder is it possible to mount a manual gearbox instead of automatic. I'm also interested to do it by myself, so I would be thankful if somebody can give me some manual how to do it! Regards
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