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Everything posted by alansdad

  1. Thanks, I'll try charging the battery again and/or a better battery and see what happens.
  2. Thanks for the message. Why would a flat battery make such a loud buzzing noise from the glow plug box thingy?
  3. I have an F reg Romahome camper mounted on a Citroen C15. I know very little about diesel engines and so I am looking here for advice. I didn't use the van for three months and the battery was flat when I tried to start it. I tried to jump start it from my Zafira but it would hardly turn over. So I put the battery on charge over night. When I was going to try starting it the next day I turned the ignition on and there was a VERY loud buzzing sound from the engine compartment. It was coming from a black box with several wires going to it fitted to the inside the engine compartment near the battery . The markings on the box are in Spanish but translate as Timer Pre heater. Made by Nagres. I am guessing that this box controls the time the glow plugs are heated. The dashboard glow plug light didn't come on and the engine did not start. Please can any one give me any advice. Is this the glow plug controller? :D Is that the proper name for it? If it is buzzing loudly is that a repair job or a replace job? Why would it do that? Thanks Jez
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