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Everything posted by newbie1122

  1. I have the same kit i think....with the cutter...how am i going to grab the wire after i have pushed it through ?
  2. Hello All, I have been trying to get the rear bumper off my C5 for a while now, I have some reversing sensors that I need to fit but cannot figure out how to get either the bumper trim off or the bumper so i can run the wires from the boot through to the buper. Can anyone help ??
  3. Hello, Thanks for the advice....but still no luck... i have hammered away to try and get it open but doesn't even budge. Im beginning to wonder why i ever got this car...nothing but issues !!! How do you get the trim off from the inside without opening the door ? Thanks Jeff
  4. Hello All, I have exacly the same problem, L/H rear door stuck with child lock on so no way of opening it. I have an appointment with the main dealer but do not want to pay £100 + after just spending £300 + on gear linkage cable !!!! How do you get the door trim off fronm the inside...i have taken off the three bolts. Is there more??? the bolts around the speaker ? Please help as I do not want to give the dealer anymore money !!!! Thanks Jeff
  5. Is the temp sensor on the dashboard meant to measure the engine temp or outside temp as mine is always over 110 C Other than my garage giving me a compatible exhaust when the exhaust fell off i am very happy with the C5. Really nice to drive and the gadgets are just enough but not too many. One bad thing is not enough storage !!! (I had a renault scenic before)
  6. Hello everyone, I have purchased some reversing sensors for my 02 reg C5 and cannot figure out how to get the bumper off, or get behind it to fit them and run the wires through to the boot....as I have seen earlier the only manuals are in French.. are there details in there ? Any help would be great Thanks Jeff
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