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Everything posted by jennybash

  1. Another time with the RAC, this time I collected my car on Saturday lunchtime and at 11pm that night the RAC was recovering it again. I think this is now 4 times in 6 weeks, I'm going for the record!!! They keep replacing the battery but it isn't seeming to work. One of the reasons they say the battery is draining is due to local frequencies (higher if near airports etc...), however Clayton is a little village and about 20 miles from the nearest airport!!! :)
  2. I've been asked for the £200 plus a £50 fuel deposit before now but I also went to the dealership and I usually get given a demo model off the forecourt. Not been given a C4 to try yet. What I would say though before you contemplate swapping for a C4 is that it is a car made by Citroen and it is also a brand new model/concept..... Do you want to be a gineau pig again?!?! I know I don't
  3. Over the past 3 weekends I've had to call out the Rac twice under Citroen assist as my car has been sat with the hazards on for about 2 hours and wouldn't start when I returned. All power is lost. The first weekend my car was towed to the garage on the monday morning, got the car back on the Friday. They 'had done something to the battery' they didn't tell me what though. The next weekend was fine, but then this weekend the car was very strange. The alarm sounded very regularly for no reason. When I came to leave the house I was visiting the buttons on the key fob wouldn't work. I had to therefore open the car using the key. My husband got in the passenger side and tried to open the driver's door from the inside. It wouldn't open so he tried to get out himself. The door wouldn't open!! It would only open when I unlocked it with the key from the outside. The Rac came and spent 30 mins trying to start the car without success so they disconnected the battery to stop the alarm from sounding and called a flat back to tow our car away. When the flat back arrived my husband and I went into the house until he was ready to take us home. After 30 minutes we were worried and went outside to see what was going on. The man was locked inside our car and had been for 20 minutes. This guy was the guy who had been out to us the previous weekend and a year ago when we had our first pluriel (which has since been replaced)..... Has anyone else had a similar problem?? Can anyone try putting their hazards on for a reasonable length of time to see how it affects their car? Only do this though if you don't need to be anywhere or if your warranty is still valid. It would be interesting to see what affect it has on anyone elses pluriel. I only wish there was a way I could see the service manager of my dealers locked in.... Jenny
  4. I have noticed more and more recently that instead of the roof leaking, i'm collecting water. It collects on the drivers side between the door and the bottom door frame (foot kick plate thing). Has anyone else got the same?? It mainly happens when it rains but i'm not sure where it comes from. I think it could possibly be the door hinge where it joins the main body of the car.
  5. I'm not sure about the elect2 plan but from what I know it is a rental agreement!?! I would suggest you read through the paperwork for elect 2 as this should be able to give you the info you require. I know how you feel about garages treating you as a simple idiot because you are female. Well, if you read your paperwork you can go in quoting info you know about. Be confident and don't let them fob you off. Jenny
  6. Has anyone else had this annoying noise appear from their dashboard at the driver's side of the steering wheel?? My car has been back to the garage 3 times now for this and the second time was fixed - for 2 1/2 days!! They said they had done the following: Stripped the dashboard re-mounted the ABS system (apparantly this can be noisy) Installed extra sound proofing (where did this go to when the noise started?) and generally checked for loose bits. Has anyone had this fixed? I will update you all when I get my car back...... Jenny
  7. My leaks were only resolved by replacing the car. However, I am waiting for my new car to leak.... During the recent weather it has been under cover during the big rain downpours but when I have been out in the rain I have noticed the inside of the seals are damp and when you prod them you can see water drops forming. I'm therefore just waiting for the day that the rain occurs when the car is parked without cover.... Eh um.... It's a waiting game like everything with this car. p.s my car is back in the garage for the ticking noise from the dash.... It's having another holiday!!
  8. My car 1.6 petrol does approx 40 miles to each fuel bar. The most I've had is 50. Does this seem low compared to yours? I do drive my car in auto most of the time though - I get quite lazy when it will do everything for me!!!
  9. If the seats are supposed to be waterproof then why do they leave awful stains/watermarks?? After the heavy rain of recent times even opening the door to get in causes the seats to get wet and the stains are very unsightly. Should this be the case?
  10. When I got my replacement car the discounts were on, when I bought my car I paid FULL RRP. When I asked if we could take advantage of the savings the dealer said no. I think this is because they have taken advantage of them as technically when the dealership replaces your car they have to sell yours, use the money from that to fund the payment of the new one. Hence if they use the discount they pay less!! Cheeky I Think..... BUT I think Citroen have 'ballsed up' as they have sent me a letter confirming that I was able to take advantage of the discounts at the time I bought my new car mmmmm I don't think so. I think I might just have to reply..... What do you all think?!? Am I right in thinking that there should have been some benefit from being an initial ginea pig or am I wrong? Help please? :P
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