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  1. Just a quick one on this, had my 53reg C3 1.4 16v HDi in for 62,500 service and one of the things they listed was "water in headlights - MOT FAILURE" Found that this was due to the 2 garages that replaced my bulbs in each lamp hadn't replced the covers correctly. So for 3 months it's been building up. had to drain about a coffee cup worth of water from the bottom of the unit in one of them. Now trying rice to absorb some of the moisture, will see how it goes. Might be worth a try putting a silica gel pack (from a box of new shoes) in the back of each one.
  2. Bet your on top of the world with the weather like it is today and a new car with a sunroof! Enjoy it mate!
  3. got mine in Sept 03 has now done 27k and i have not needed to fill it up once myself. ignore the on-board indicator, it reads wrong constantly, pop the bonnet and do it the old fashioned way. just before my 25k service it was down to about 1/3 full. I was dubious after 12.5k service as when i took the car away the oil guage said 4 boxes, i thought it should be full, checked by hand and as if by magic it was. if the engine has been running the guage reads less as the oil hasn't settled.
  4. Hi dave, i'm glad someone else has mentioned the Average mpg and Ave. mph readouts, I thought it was just me! got it temp. fixed by getting a software upgrade, but after 400 miles or so the Ave mph resets from 40 or so to 0 then crawls up to maybe 6 or 7 over the next 500 miles, strange considering 90% of those miles are done at motorway speeds. also my Av mpg was going steady at 57.2 - 60.0 then all of a sudden it jumps to 99.9!! would be nice if it were true! again this was fixed by a software reinstall at the garage, while it was in i got a 1.4 LX petrol as a courtesy car, clicked through its trip comp and found exactly the same thing! Argghhhh! if the garage can't fix their own cars why try and fix mine! sorry about the rant but it just gets annoying clicking through the trip and knowing it's reading incorrectly, and if that is wrong what else might be?
  5. excellent car mate, exactly the same as mine, had it 12 months now dne 25k miles so far not broken down yet. usual niggles like cutting out etc but got that sorted. Keep an eye on these forums and if something does go wrong remember u have (usually) 3 years parts and labour.
  6. definately one to remember mate, cheers
  7. there is always another "software upgrade". mines in for its 25k service this saturday, is £137 about right for this? that's what i've been quoted is all.
  8. I've got a C3 SX HDi, had the brake squeal. get it to the garage and get them to sort it mate. should be free, but if they say the discs need cleaning u could be looking at about £40. my rear brakes started to bind on and that is how much it cost me, tried to blast em clean with a pressure washer, worked a bit but ended up getting it done properly. there used to be a post about this issue, think it was something like something on the brake hadn't been secured properly.
  9. got mine sorted a couple of months ago, "software" upgrade seemed to do the trick, don't think that's all they did though cos they had the car for 3 full days and nights. keep at em mate, it's under warranty
  10. yeah i took mine off a 30 foot drop into a field, rolled end to end twice, not a straight panel left on the car. only had a few scratches tho. definately puts u off, u have my sympathy. now u have the joy of going through insurance companies who's eyes will just see "£" signs, my parents policy went up from £250/year to £800+ moved elsewhere back down again. 2months later i got caught speeding, that was what slowed me down. good luck getting urself sorted, if ur gonna get another C3 get a 1.4 hdi SX(92 bhp), not sure whatu had before but if it wasn't one of these, it should be now. Ace motor, excellent mileage, shows the boy racers a thing or two. (burned off a C2 VTR yesterday, he wasn't too pleased muhahahahahaha.
  11. unlucky badlass, what caused the crash? bad weather conditions? hope u get back in the drivers seat soon. when i wrote off my mam's 1.4 Clio RT a couple of years ago she forced me to drive, otherwise i just wouldn't have got back in.
  12. scottp


    thanks for that but i think it's worth a bit more as it's a 2003 53 reg. i'll check them places out tho.
  13. scottp


    ok so my brakes have been squealing badly, tried cleaning them as garage were gonna charge £42 for the privelage. now realise its either the right rear calliper sticking or the hand brake cable. also it squeals on turning, even the slightest shift in weight causes it, this should not be happening!!! RaRRRRRRRR! just coming up to 22000 miles now since Sept 03 so wanting to trade it in before this Sept, anyone have a good idea of it's worth. value at purchase - £11200 i think. 10 months old, 22000 miles, mainly 70 mph motorway use so not really broken in, little wear and tear, C3 1.4HDi SX (92bhp) what's it worth now?
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