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Everything posted by telfordwhite

  1. Sorry to hear about your problem. Luckily for me the Sellers of my traded in Picasso (Pentagon Vauxhall) have been brilliant and honoured their committments as sellers and replaced the turbo as well as the fly wheel which had also gone. Very pleased with the service i got considering they would have made very little on the car.
  2. Yeah, that is possibly what is happening. Will be interesting to see what the Warranty Company Engineer thinks. Will let you know how it's resolved, cheers
  3. Help would be very much appreciated. Picked up my Cit Xsara picasso 1.6 Diesel 2 weeks ago and was very pleased with it. However 2 days ago the "Engine fault" message appeared and recurred each time I started the car up though there is no obvious loss of performance. To cut a long story short the Warranty company are quibbling with the citroen dealer about the repair (turbo needs replacing at considerable cost). I am now awaiting an Engineers inspection from the warranty company but the fault message is no longer being displayed. I know of other owners who have had a similar problem which was diagnosed as being "nothing." or at least a very minor fault, so is this a common fault warning and are the Dealers likely to be pulling a fast one on the warranty company. My main concern is that the warranty company will disagree with the Dealer and I will then have a recurring unsolvable problem. Thanks in anticipation.
  4. Cheers, very helpful. It is the 1.6 Diesel btw..
  5. Just bought one of these to be picked up next week so no manuals to hand but was told that oil changes required are quite infrequent - like every 20k miles, or more?? Surely this cannot be right? Anybody know the details off hand and what is the best oil to use?
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