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About vstromman

  • Birthday 09/18/1949

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Many thanks.Not so sure about playing around with it if they are a known problem. \\\\looking forward to picking the Car up tomorrow.Thanks for your help.Pete
  2. Many thanks for the response.Hope to pick the Car up on Friday. I gather all Estates have the opening Tailgate Window Then? There was no Button on the Key Fob or any visible method on the Window itself. Could you please tell me where to look. Many thanks. Pete/
  3. Hi All. Hope to pick up my 2.0 HDI Estate on Friday. I am Trading in a !.6 Picasso which has been a joy to own. Hope I am doing the right swap.
  4. Hi all.Soon to pick up a 2.oHDI VTR Estate on an 04 Plate. I have heard the Tailgate Window opens separately.Is this the case with all models please,it wasn't obvious when we looked over the Car Today? Many thanks in advance for any Light shed on the Subject. Pete
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