I think there's something you're missing here. The controls on the steering are not/could not be hardware controlled. Things like the trip computer settings, sat nav, wind-screen wipers etc are software controlled anyway. The multiplex system just gathers these commands and passes them through a main CPU to minimise wire lengths in the car (miles are used in each car anyway). Traction control and Sensodrive have nothing to do with the Multiplex system. What they do is basically the same in every car they are installed. Sure, their names are different, ESP, ASP, TCS, etc, but their function is the same. Sensodrive on the other hand has purely to do with the semi-auto gearbox (in fact, it IS it). On the other hand, although I too do not agree with such systems "interfering" with the car, it's what (in most occasions) helps you stay on the road when normally you wouldn't stand a chance. There are ways to make these systems discrete and fully-functional, without stealing all the driving pleasure from the driver. Whether the manufacturers decide to do it or not, it's mostly a matter of marketing decisions. Unfortunately. :blink: BTW, have you driven a VAG car with electronic accelerator? It's much worse than the C2-C3's. :D