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Everything posted by Phlash

  1. Hi all, I'm about to top up my C8 diesel additive tank and clean the FAP, however I don't have access to the Lexia software required to reset the ECU counters, would anyone in my area (Suffolk/Ipswich) be able to help with this? Thanks in advance, Phil.
  2. hi guys, I've had my C8 for a month now, and am just into the third tankful of diesel. The first couple of tanks gave me 32-33 MPG on average (calculated from distance/fill-up volume), with combined commute/motorway usage. This is is pretty much what I expected for the 2.0 HDi (although it could probably be better!) and my driving style. I also managed to confirm that the on board MPG gauge is pretty accurate, as it reported similar figures to my calculations.
  3. Thanks for this James08, FWIW I changed the oil and filter myself last weekend, and it became obvious that it hasn't been done recently (under tray bolts corroded in, filter very much attached - ie: no lubricant left on the seal). The oil level warning still appears sometimes, and seems to correspond to the angle of parking and where the sensor dips into the sump (front, nearside). PS: I must thank whoever posted the link to service.citroen.com recently hereabouts, the parts diagrams are excellent!
  4. Hi Keith, Sadly I have no button on my lighting stalk to switch to manual :lol: If I switch the sidelights on the automatic system seems to go away, which is good enough until I get it to a garage (or play with an OBD-II scanner) to find out what's gone wrong.
  5. Thanks for the reply - the oil & filter were changed last week by the seller (he says, and the filter looks very new/clean), so I'll see if the sensor is accessible :) P.
  6. I've noticed over the last couple of days since buying my C8 that the oil level warning appears (apparently at random) on starting (it has a full sump of oil BTW). Does anyone else see this and is it fixable (eg: new sensor, new computer?) I'm wondering if this is related to my other issue with the headlights... ie: the computer (COM2000??) is in need of a factory reset / replacement? Thanks, Phil.
  7. Ditto - I've just bought an '03 reg C8 and the auto headlights seem to stay on *most* of the time, although they do turn off intermittently at inopportune moments (such as when sitting in traffic!). According to the manual I should have a button on the light stalk to disable automatic mode, but there is no button on my car?? :) I'm reluctant to pull fuses out but if that's the recommended fix... Thanks for any advice (including - 'take it to a dealer for a reset' if that works!)
  8. My name is Phil and I'm a Citroen owner :) Having spent the last 9 years driving my trusty Peugeot 806, I decided I needed the newer model 'Eurovan' and purchased an '03 reg C8 last weekend - of course not everything works perfectly so here I am :( I promise not to ask one question then b*gger off - honest! Phil.
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