Hi all I've got an odd problem which I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I have a 2008 2.0 HDI exclusive (X7) which usually behaves impeccably. The a couple of day ago, while out and about, my n/s rear Indicator went. I replaced the bulb almost straight away, as I carry spares in the boot. This didn't rectify the problem, so when I got home I checked the bulb contacts and then put the bulb in from the other side which I knew was working. None of this worked but I had to abandon it as I had get ready then go to work. The next morning, taking the wife and kids to work and school, the light seemed to have repaired itself overnight. After a couple of minutes driving it went again??? Anyhow, I went to bed after being on nightshift intending to look into it later on. Going out later that afternoon, all was (once again) well for a few minutes then gone again. I'm thinking that maybe the flasher unit is overheating, but I've never heard of that happening before. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance, Andy.