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  1. Hi all I've got an odd problem which I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I have a 2008 2.0 HDI exclusive (X7) which usually behaves impeccably. The a couple of day ago, while out and about, my n/s rear Indicator went. I replaced the bulb almost straight away, as I carry spares in the boot. This didn't rectify the problem, so when I got home I checked the bulb contacts and then put the bulb in from the other side which I knew was working. None of this worked but I had to abandon it as I had get ready then go to work. The next morning, taking the wife and kids to work and school, the light seemed to have repaired itself overnight. After a couple of minutes driving it went again??? Anyhow, I went to bed after being on nightshift intending to look into it later on. Going out later that afternoon, all was (once again) well for a few minutes then gone again. I'm thinking that maybe the flasher unit is overheating, but I've never heard of that happening before. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance, Andy.
  2. I replaced mine with the dmf.
  3. I know it's a lot, but a local indy garage done mine plus clutch, crankshaft oil seal and n/s cv boot for £600. Citroen wanted over a grand just to do the dmf and clutch. So my advice if you're not doing it yourself would be to ring around.
  4. DMF perhaps? Mine knocked terribly when it went. Had the clutch replaced at the same time. The car, a 2008 C5 (X7) 2.0 HDI, had done about 150,000 at the time. The cambelt was done January this year at 160,000. 5000 miles on and the car's running lovely.
  5. Clean the battery terminals and the battery leads. With any luck that should solve it.
  6. Hi. I've noticed this on mine, but it's not the fan speed increasing, but the air distribution changing from external to recirculating. When I pressed the recirculation button so that just the 3 arrows in a circle are showing on their own (without the 'A' in the middle), then put in into reverse, there was no change to the sound (or speed) of the fan. I don't know why it does this, and have just lived with it. Maybe it's a setting that can be changed with a lexia.
  7. On my 2008 2.0 Hdi exclusive, it sits around six or seven bars when warmed up. I've had this car for a year now, and it's always been the same, so I would say it was normal.
  8. Thanks guys. It's a real shame cos it was a lovely car to drive. Would get another but, unfortunately, the incident has freaked the wife out so much that she says she'll never get in one again. Me on the other hand would have another tomorrow. :)
  9. Hi people. I have a 2002 C5 Hpi Exclusive on a 52 plate, which is now in the possesion of the insurance company, after it decided to spontaneously combust whilst the family and I were out post Christmas shopping. From what we can gather, it had been sitting for about half an hour before igniting. The fire service seem to think it might've been an electrical fault that started it. Is anyone on here aware of any other instances of C5s' catching fire by them selves? Ta very much
  10. did you have to take off the bumper to get to the relays? Mine started to overheat in a ten mile tailback on the M25 carpark. have checked all fuses which seem to be ok so am thinking it might be the relays.
  11. this happened with my 52 plate exclusive when i bought it last year. T he problem was with the sensor which is behind the rear view mirror, it had just popped out of its housing. I just clicked it back into place and it has worked fine ever since. in fact, since that day, I haven't had to turn my lights on at all, they come on when they should and turn off the same
  12. this part is so very very easy to fit your self, saving yourself £50!! the part is located in the drivers footwell about level with the clutch pedal, hidden behind a small pull panel.it has two plugs fitted into it and is mounted with 1 screw... Very easy :) ;) :rolleyes:
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