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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Well I just spoke with them again, and they managed to get Citroen to supply a new set of seals, althought they did have to pay fitting. :blink: I guess only time will tell if these are any better than the last, but they have a far greater overlap from the a pillar to the roof bar, so that is a plus anyway. BTW, the Mehari was great fun. The best bit was parking... just get the nose in and lift the back end around. Did that more than once, as it meant you could really shoehorn it in.
  2. Hmm, is this forum died, or just sleeping? Was talking to the person with my old Sieve, I mean Pluriel, and they have some serious leak problems. Any magic solutions on this, or should they just sell it now?
  3. After several months of job hunting, after being made redundant at the end of last year I finally have a job with a 17 mile cross country commute, so I have "downgraded" to a Westfeild. It is lots older, far more basic, but the closest I am allowed to get to a motorbike. Now I will have the joy of all round open air driving, lots of leaks and wet seats, without having a Citroen! :) I agree with your comments about Customer Relations, but to be honest, Citroen have given a very good impression of not giving a flying **** about me, from the moment I paid for the car their customer relations have been 100% ****, and it took an email to the MD to even get Slough to acknowledge my existance. Anyway, I have too many horror stories to tell about the dealer, including ignored phone calls (with a "dead in the water" car), wrong parts ordered, and a general "well you have paid for it now, so that is not our problem" attitude. :( Lets hope I have more luck with this next car.
  4. And I may be some time. Well, after just over two years of moaning about the radio, the doors and the roof I have finally changed to a car with none of these. Thanks to everyone for their help, assistance and advice over the ups and downs of Pluriel ownership (and this site, for that matter) and all the best with which ever way your car takes you. If I can be of any advice to anyone, feel free to contact me. Have fun, and get LOTS of fresh air. All the best, Mav.
  5. As mentioned, they do not all leak. Mine has only leaked once, and from the front, never in the back.
  6. Well, for the second time in two years I have had my CD player crash. It would take CDs in and spit them out, could select radio or CD, but cound not move forward or backwards on the tracks. It was the same on two different CDs (both originals, not CD-Rs), and switching the unit off and on made no difference. Stopping the car, letting the power cycle to the player fixed the problem.
  7. Hi Gang, on Xmas eve I went out to try and get into my car (for a change it was on the drive), only to find that the remote key fob did not work. I opened the car, but could not get the alarm to stop. The car wond not sart (immobilizer in action) and I could not stop the alarm going off. I got the second key fob, and yet this would still not stop the alarm or unlock the car. (Found you can lock the car without the key or central locking... it is amazing what you find if you read the manual) but did not manage start it. Called my garage, they were finishing early, and have yet to return my call (yes, I know it is now Feb!). In the end, I opened the bonnet, disconnected the battery, waited 30 seconds, reconnected, and it all worked OK. Has not reoccurred over the past few weeks, but I am still concerned taht this is yet another "unknown" fault. Anyone else seen similar?
  8. Thanks Richard, I shall have a play when I get home. Mav
  9. OK, at the risk if making myself look dimmer than usual, where is the Random feature on the CD. I know I should RTFM, but my excuse is I am over 3,000 miles from the car at the moment, but even a RAND function would be preferrable to Track 1 syndrome. TIA, Mav (The only up side of being so far from the car is the weather is smashing here, hitting 28 degrees most days! :) )
  10. Clare, all the best with your new wheels, and I hope you are happy with them. Have fun, Mav
  11. Nothing to do with me, and I know nothing more than is on the site - http://www.frome2cv.co.uk
  12. Richard, I agree that the CD player has a few foibles that make it's operation more exciting. I have had it refuse to move tracks (neither controls on the stalk or unit would move them, neither could you eject or change to radio). The latest thing I have had is a CD with 11 tracks on it, that when entered would only show 9! I only noticed this when I tried to select the final track, only to end up on track 2. I had to eject this CD, and then reinsert it, and magically it has 11 tracks that time.
  13. Jenny, don't feel that they have picked you out for special service, I get treated like a berk by my garage, regardless of my gender. I think it is all part of the special service that Citroen train their dealers to provide. (Sorry that is of no use to you, Jenny. Have you thought of trying to hook up with an owner from here who might be able to point out the areas of concern, and maybe come with you to help on your pre-pruchase walk around the car)
  14. As I have said before, it is a great car let down by dealers who do not know any better, and a manufacturer who does not give a *$£%! I love my little car, and there are no other 4 seater convertibles in my price range. Yes, it has it's faults, yes the dealer and the company don't know their roof bars from their tail gates and there are some niggles that you just have to learn to live with. Most of these are either fixable (in theory) or else things that Citroen themselves will tell you "well it was like that when you took ownership, you should have reported it then" and let you get on with it! Contact me off line for my personal gripes, otherwise just learn to live with it, and bite the bullet on the cash you will lose in depreciation. HTH, Mav
  15. And another things... In case you were wondering why the alarm goes off when you lock the car. According to Citroen there needs to be a 15 second delay between closing the car door and setting the alarm, to allow the sensors to settle. In practice this seems to be as low as 5 seconds, but if you close and lock the alarm will go off for no reason just as you walk away from the car.
  16. Ian, I know there are reasons for these features, but I wanted to try and pull together a list of these that new owners may come across. As Lesw has reminded me, you can also get lock ins, where the drivers door cannot be opened from the inside. There is supposedly a software fix for this.
  17. But if you are locked in, the 20k comes around that much faster! :o I agree with you, I have been locked in a few times, including in my garage, and had to go through all the options, lock with button, unlock, start car, stop car, remove keys, lock with key, unlock with key, wind down window, try to open from outside, climb out passenger side! It is a game for all the family!
  18. Hmm, the locking in problem. I had forgotten about that gem. Perhaps you can add that to the "They all do that, Sir" thread. I have been locked in once since they last updated the software, but that was a few months back and it seems to have behaved itself since.
  19. I fit into the third category, No leaks (yet). I am sh*t scared of ever letting the dealers loose on the car, since they are not people I would trust to stop a bottle of water from leaking, let alone my car!
  20. Welcome back. :( The sensodrive gearbox has a warning light when it detects snow (or wheel slippage?) and puts the gearbox in a snow mode, I guess shortening the gear changes). In this case the box has a warning mode where the auto and snow lights flash and beep to alert to a problem with the gearbox.
  21. OK, whilst not wanting to start off another leaking Pluriel topic, I thought I would start one for a list of all the minor niggles and features that our cars have. Unless you have a very early one, the CD player will forget what track it is playing if you switch off for more than about 5 minutes, meaning you will be word perfect on Track one by the end of the week, but will be fed up as you have not heard the rest of the album. There is no keyhole on the driver's door, since you do not need one. It has been put on the passengers door for safe keeping. Hopefully by now we have all got boot covers. This is a piece of plastic that covers the gap between the back of the seats and the top of the boot when the back window is stowed. The Average Speed seems to decrease over time, mine will regularly record an average speed of 4 mph. Any more for any more?
  22. As I had posted before I still think that the Pluriel is a great little car, let down by dealers and manufacturer who do not give a stuff. The car is great, 4 seats, open topped, almost mippy and great fun to drive, and the sooner the specialist dealers open up the better for all of us, it is the only way, excepting this forum, where we will find any expert knowledge.
  23. Hmm, could be interesting, especially if the rumours about the pluriel being dropped in the UK were true.
  24. Lesley, at the risk of really pi$$ing you off, not all Pluriel leak. I have a fairly early one which has survived having the arches on and off several times, and does not leak, even in particularly heavy downpours, both static and on the move. That is not to say that I have not had my niggles with the car, been frustraited by the design features and had my (un)fair share of shitroen customer service both from Slough and my dealer. As I mentioned once before (now lost to the great gods of the servers) it is a great car let down by a second rate service, and if people at the dealers/manufacturers could get things sorted it would sell a whole lot better. Try and make it along to one of out get togethers and you will be able to compare the seals, and hopefully pick up some tips on the car/roof. I do hope you get this sorted soon. HTH, Mav
  25. Ian, that link does not work! :P There was one on ebay, if that helps
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