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  1. Hi n_olympios Thanks for that, we are really serious about doing this, so much so that I have started to learn Greek. Any help you can give me in that direction would be great. Do you live in Greece or on Crete? and could you let me know what your email address is, would love to talk to you. regards John :unsure:
  2. Hi Guys Totally agree with the majority of reports in this Forum I am in contact with 9 people in the UK, all have Pluriels and we regularly talk to each other about our car of choice. Apart from a minor problem with my CD player, I have had no problem with my car (1.6i senso) whatsoever, and only one of my friends has had a major problem with theirs (Gearbox out of synch with computer) which was sorted out immediately by their dealership. The Pluriel is a great car to drive, with or without arches, it still commands stares from passer-bys and is relatively easy to maintain. The idea of the car is fun and that is all I have had since getting it. My comments in the 'Pluriel - Brothers and Sisters' topic hold true as well, and I look forward to the day I can live in Crete and take my arches off permanently Be Different, Drive Pluriel Regards :blink:
  3. Hi Everyone I have been away for a few weeks and have something great to report! My destination of choice was Crete, you know, get to the bottom of Greece and keep going. This place is so nice, that my wife and I have decided to uproot, sell everything and go live there, (well in three years time). The shock horror thing was that whilst I was parking my hire car (Xsara Picasso) a Pluriel 1.4 minus arches pulled alongside me. We obviously got chatting, him being a German and I found out he had hired the Pluriel from a hire shop in Iraklio. That was just the start, I then counted 32 pluriels over the next week (Thats more than I've seen in London in a year). But Yes, you've guessed it, Pluriel is the vehicle of choice in Crete, minus arches of course as they boast 360 days of sunshine, alongside the Jeep and the Quad, they are the most used hire car on the island. Seeing so many, has encouraged me to take mine (1.6 senso) with me when we move. I managed to call in to a dealer over there and the servicing centres for Pluriel are first rate and there is nothing they do not know about the car (unlike our dealers of course) Reporting back on mine now after it has just passed its first birthday IT's BLOODY BRILLIANT I had a great summer, without arches, just about to start my second winter and looking forward to the spring. roll on three years time Bye for now :blink:
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