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Everything posted by neilmur

  1. I saw that coming with the clip so I looped a thread round it and tied that to the battery cable so I would not lose it - I've fixed things before!! The plug would not come off so I removed the clip (with thread attached) with long nosed snips then the plug would come off. I went to Hallfords for a replacement and found that they will replace the bulb for £4.99 which, If I'd known that first I would have given them the grief. When it comes to the other side with these fluid conainers in the way I will definately get them to do it. Another point for those doing this for the first time like me who doesn't do cars but refuses to pay a garage to change a lightbulb. When you put the battery back in (the right way round) (I take digital photos of things like this before I take it apart so that I get it back ok) the starter key symbol shows which means that the imobiliser is activated - the engine turns but won't start - I panicked at first but soon learned that if you give it a while the electronics reboot and all is well (after turning the ignition key a couple of times) but you have to reset the clock and the radio. So job done and my learning curve has leveled out :)
  2. Yes but The connector does not want to come off. Do I pull it/slide it or what? After I prise the copper spring to release the bulb housing what then?
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