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  1. Not sure if this should go here or in the Technical section, but here goes... For the past 6 months or so, I've been the proud owner of a '98 Berlingo with full-length sunroof, having graduated from a 2CV. Very happy with the car generally, but I'm finding the wind noise from the sunroof infuriating, especially as it's otherwise a quiet cruiser. The whistling starts at about 70mph and rapidly gets worse with increasing speed. Does anyone have any tips for solving this problem? Some things my dad and I have already considered: - Aerial? I don't think so -- have tried altering the position to no effect - Seal between sunroof and metal? Tried an additional strip of material there, but again with no effect - Moulding at front of sunroof? My car has a raised piece of plastic with three V's in front of the sunroof. My dad reckons later Berlingos don't have this and maybe it's the cause of the noise? Any help greatly appreciated.
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