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  1. thanks for your response, sadly im no electrician, do you know roughly how much it would cost to sort out the head gasket?
  2. I currently own a j reg ax 10 debuet 1 litre, after some scally broke into to my little ax i am left with the need to repace all of the locks, after searching far and wide i have found the cheapest to be around £35 for a full set, i have been offered a m reg ax 1.1 forte limited edition for £50, the one with central locking, bucket seats etc, the forte's engines head gasket has blown and so will need replacing, i was wondering if either of the following would be possible, firstly could i take the central locking pumps and locks etc from the forte and put them in my debeut? or ideally could i take my working 1 litre engine and put it into the forte? if yes what problems could i expect to receive? also my debeut has a manual choke, would i have any problems with the fact that the forte has an automatic choke?
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