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Everything posted by joncarpet

  1. just to update..... it sorted its self (the same way in which it went too far - just by starting it up.) without using a magnet or morse code!!
  2. Cheers KFK I did a search on rev counter and dashboard and a couple of other things but not needle. will try the magent one me thinks - not too confident with morse code on the battery!! could this mean that the battery is on its way out??
  3. many thanks for the quick response.
  4. Hi there I've got a 1998 'S' plate Xsara 1.9 diesel and this morning it took a little while to turn over when starting. didnt think nothing of it because of the cold so i gently proded the accelerator to give it a helping hand. and it worked. However, as it started, the rev counter went mad and shot all the way around the dial and got stuck at the bottom (almost at 7 o'clock) under the little stoppy thingy that stops it from dropping when its off. (hope that makes sense - if not let me know). now the rev counter wont work as the needle cant get past the little stopper thingy. Is it easy to take the dash out and change it my self or is it a job for a garage?? and will it cause problems if i need it? Cheers in advance jon
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