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Everything posted by davin

  1. Just an idea I had. Buy headlamps from Ebay france or Germany. Then change the whole unit. I go abroad in my berlingo every summer and am considering doing it this year. Just a thought
  2. Just to wish you all a good summer (if it ever arrives!) Booked onto the monday Norfolk line to Dunkerque. Then a long hop to Gdansk, then a ferry to Sweden - then a ferry to Finland. My trusty Berlingo isn't due a service for another 6000 miles.So all I am going to do is check the oil levels then pray that she makes it OK. I will give it an oil change when I get to Finland. Anything else I should check before I go? (1.9 D) What about a photo section of berlingos in exotic locations? I have to go to Southend-on-sea this afternoon so I suppose I could start there ! (Joke) Have a good trip wherever you go. Davin
  3. Hello mr brake squeel. Not related to brakes but you are obviously far more technically minded than me! I have an 03 berlingo, Only 20k on the clock. The steering on the car seems very "loose", It seems to wander quite a bit. I have just bought the car from a main dealer with new mot warranty etc - so I just wonder if it's normal. Is there a way that the steering rack can be tightened up?
  4. Hello all. Forgot to mention our summer travels. Driving to Poland, then getting the ferry from Gdansk to Sweden, then another ferry from north of Stockholm (place called Kappelskar - very reasonable ferry price) to Finland, visit the relatives then head back again. Last year I used a ferry company called transeuropa ferries, sail from Ramsgate to Oostende. It was 60 pounds each way in the van that I then had - but only 30 each way for a car. It's a cargo ferry really so it's pretty basic, but for 30 pounds who cares. The ferries between Sweden and Finland are incredible - and very reasonable when compared to the ripoff fares between UK and France. Just hope the berlingo behaves herself on such a long journey http://www.transeuropaferries.co.uk/ oops, just checked the website and the prices have gone up. still pretty cheap though
  5. Hi Terry. Thanks for your response and apologies for my delay in replying. I found a company online who tint Berlingo windows - but it costs £250, (all the windows taken out and done properly). Theres no way I can justify paying this so it looks like its either a trip to Halfords or use the screens you reccomend. Still getting used to my new Berlingo - is it normal for a 1,9 diesel to have a top "cruising" speed of 70mph ? (75 at a push) Also the steering is very "soft". Im sure the car is fine as it's a main dealer with 20,000 miles - must just be berlingo personality traits. Got a long drive across europe later in the summer - looking forward to it - anyone else got any Berlingo travels planned? Davin
  6. Hi everyone. New here and my first post. Got my new 1.9 diesel arctict steel berlingo today ! First impressions are thats it's a bit slow - but I can live with that - it's perfect for what my family requires. one thing we noticed straight-away was the sun streaming in through the large windows - hitting junior straight in her little baby eyes. Has anyone blacked out the side and rear windows? I did it once on a van and it looked like I had stuck black cling film to the windows. Is it expensive to get it done professionally (ie not by me). look forward to hearing from you
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