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  1. You need one of these.. http://dws.keycast.com/DWS/CF/Templates/ap...01&aid=1195 I got one for £1.50 on ebay though. :)
  2. Mercury


    I recently got 61 mpg on a trip to the airport. That was a 350 mile round trip. I was very impressed! :lol:
  3. I couldn't work out how we got the stated 30% decrease as that would have been £12 not £5. It appears that petrol and diesel rates were aligned, that took us up to £50, then we got the 30% reduction to £35. It's good news. :blink: Personally, I don't think that £300/£400 a year road tax is much of a dis-incentive to buy a bigger car, but it sure hurts when the bill drops on the mat.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I have to agree about the lack of support in the seats when cornering. I am also having difficulty getting the seat 'right' at the minute...about an inch lower and it would be perfect, but alas there is no height adjustment. :unsure:
  5. Hi guys, just got my new C1. I'm 46 and male, and I'm just wondering, is this unusual? Is the C1 a girlie car...or a 'shopping trolley' as one workmate called it? :blink: Like I care...£40 road tax, group 1 insurance, 50+ to the gallon..so who's got more money for holidays? :ph34r: :rolleyes:
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