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  1. hi folks Does anyone know if there is a fuse for the heater and if so where its located? (98 XM 2.5td) I was just driving along smelt an awful smell & noticed the heater was no longer working. I'm hoping its just a fuse?
  2. Can anyone one tell me in simple language how I flush the coolant system on my 2.5td XM and making sure there is no air left in it?
  3. Thanks Tom, I'm pretty sure that the head gasket is gone as i took it to a coolant specialist who tested it using the blue/yellow dye and i also have no acceleration whatsoever for a 2.5td. Although it starts ok and there is no smoke or water in the oil and i thought at least one of these would be showing. Anyway as I'm now living in Poland and no-one wants to do the job I'm going to try and fix it using Thermagasket from the good ol' US of A. Wish me luck.
  4. Thank you
  5. Can anyone help please? I'm in desperate need of a copy of the owners handbook for a 98 XM 2.5td. If anyone has an old copy they can let me have or can photo copy one I would be extremely grateful. Of course I will pay for it or they're time. PS does anyone know how much coolant it holds? Thanks
  6. Hi I have a 98 XM 2.5td. I have been loosing water with no visble leaks and have now been told that the head gasket has gone although there is no water in the oil. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why there should be no pressure in the expansion tank. I can remove the cap when the engine is still at running temp and not even a hiss, nothing.
  7. DONE IT!!!!! and how stupid do I feel. IT WAS the battery. It had appeared to have taken a charge and the jump leads had no effect so I presumed it wasn't the battery but we went up to the car today to check the crank, as you'd suggested and whilst there we just decided to try the battery out of my friends car AND BINGO it fired straight up. I would just like to thank you for your replies as it's good to know there are people who are still willing to help for the sake of helping. Thanks.
  8. Hi thanks for getting back to me. Yes the battery is fully charged and we've tried jumping it. There is simply nothing happening as far as the starter motor is concerned, no clicking or anything. Yes there is an earth connected to the gearbox. I haven't checked the crank pulley as of yet. And yes it was running fine and then just stopped.
  9. Hi, I own a Xantia 1.9td that simply wont start or even turn over. The glow plug light on the dash does not light up at all and although I've just replaced the Relay (due to a buzzing noise) there is still a buzzing noise. The lights on the dash brighten and dim and the petrol gauge and rev counter bounce up and down in time with the noise from the relay. Any ideas anyone ?
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