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  1. You may check the tyre pressures from the body near to the left-side door. Open the door, you would see a tag on the connection between the door and the body. The data of my car on it is 2.1(f) and 2.3® under the normal load and 2.1, 2.8 under the full load. By the way, I have been able to do the 600+ miles when I always stick to the speed under 75MPH.
  2. This is my first diesel car. So no idea how economical it is really. Saw someone said he could do 600 miles using a full tank. I wonder how he did it. The point is who will drive on the motoway under 65mph.
  3. I've just bought a used C3 HDI 1.4 16v which is 03R and has done 37,000 miles. So far, this car is very good compared with my old ford fiesta. But there are still two small problems upsetting me. The clicking noise always comes from somewhere behind the dashboard when I am accelerating the car. It's quiet and normal when the car is sliding and no fuel is given. It seems some parts are loose and affected by the vibration of the engine. Anyone ever met the same problem? One of reason I bought this car is its high mpg(65 mpg). But this car never reached the claimed data. It's approximately around 55 mpg. I am a motorway user and the average speed is about 80miles or higher. So are there problems with the car or cos I drive too fast. thanks!
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