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  1. so far they cleaned the speedo sensor, crank sensor, throttle position valve, they done something with the power steering, they put a new coil pack and spark plugs in it, a new cat and sensors for the car and i think thats it, lol
  2. well citroen keep saying there is a fault but they say they fixed it then cleared it then it comes back on again and its a citroen c3, 1.4 and its a 2003 model. i mean the car runs fine but the light just keeps coming on a day after it is cleared and when u first turn the engine on it gives off a beeb for a few seconds. but each time i go to the dealership they say its some other sensor then they clean it then turn off the light then the bloody thing comes back on a day later, i am seriously thinking about just taking it to get crushed, lol
  3. Hi, a lad from work says that my c3 might be in limp mode but citroen keep saying its loads of other parts so i was wondering if anyone knew how i could see if my car was in limp mode and does anyone know how to take the engine managment light off without removing the bulb, thanx
  4. no idea how 2 remove the bumber cuz its different on all cars. lol but am trying to download the manual for the C3 so once its finished i like take screen shots for you and post them on there so you can decide where you wanna try and to take it off because i had to take one off on a vectra and it was easy taking it off but a nightmare to go bk on, in the end i just glued it back on, lmao
  5. hi, i found out how to remove the headlight units, you gotta jack the car up and place them on axel stands then take both wheels off then take the bumper off and the grill, then u can get at the headlight unit screws because citroen been tits buit the bumber over the headlight unit, lol so i am going to try and drill a hole in the bottom of my light so the water just always drains out, lol
  6. hi, ive got a citroen c3, 1,4 and its a 2003 model, ive noticed that my light handside headlight is full on condensation and i was wondering how would i go about like fixing it without paying out for a set of new headlight units. thank you if anyone can help me
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