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  1. Ta very much, much appreciated.
  2. Hi, just wondering if any member can give me a little bit of advice. I have a Citroen Saxo that I have owned since new in 2002. It has done almost 99k and has never had any major problems (it has obviously had some wear and tear though). Just yesterday the engine light illuminated whilst driving home, I decided to leave it over night and see if it was still on in the morning, which it was. The car has started first time, for most of the time I have had it. When it hasn't it always started on the second attempt. The engine light did come on momentarily the other day whilst I was driving, so I pulled over switched off the engine and restarted it first time, and the light went away. Then on Friday I was parked up for a while and when I went to start it, it took three attempts before it fired up. I am guessing that the obvious suggestion is to take it to a garage with an engine monitor and get the problem code. I was wondering though if anybody had any idea what this could be (my first thought is that there is a problem with the ignition) and how much it is possibly going to cost? Also, do these places actually charge you just for getting the problem code? Thanks in advance, Sean
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