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  1. :ph34r: hi guys just a little question some a**hole tried to get my stereo out my xantia and broke the surround. the one that pulls down to cover the stereo does anyone know how much these are to buy from citroen. it is held in place by 4 screws it is so anoying because it keeps on falling out the hole :)
  2. thanks mate will check that tomorrow.
  3. hey guys just changed front spheres on my xantia hdi but i lost a bit of fluid can anyone tell me what the max level is on the lhm tank. also what is the little glass thing that sits on top of it its got a red bit inside it.
  4. hey guys got a little question for yous. i am going to change the front discs & pads on my xantia hdi is it straight forword?? is there anything i have to do with the abs when doing this?? any help on this will be great.
  5. hi there this is my first post. i have a xantia hdi the prob is that my front suspension is bouncing like mad even if i were to drive over a little stone it would bounce for ages. does that mean that i have to change the front spheres. if so what is the procedure for this?? i have also noticed that the brakes arn't as good either is this part of the same thing aswell?? any help would be much app :)
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