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  1. It's a 1600
  2. Should this be done when serviced? Where will I find it?
  3. No. I have always used supermarket fuel.
  4. I have a 2005 C5 diesel which I have had for 5 years. It has 55000 genuine mileage. Recently I have been having an intermittent problem where the engine seems to cut out for just a second while driving. It sometimes does it two or three times in quick succession, a bit like a backfire, but without any noise, just the jerking. I'm worried that it might be an expensive repair, and even an investigation might be quite costly. Has anyone had anything like this and can give me an idea of what I may be looking at? Cheers
  5. The radio on my C5 has a button market 'Tel" which according to the radio manual means I can connect to my mobile phone for hands free operation. It also says that "Twinning" can only be performed with screen C illuminated, but my book only shows images of screen A and screen B. Does anyone know what screen C is please?
  6. Hi, I recently had a problem with the suspension on my 2005 C5 saloon. The suspension had been working perfectly, when I decided to show a friend how the hight could be adjusted. I put it into the high position, then the low, then back to normal, but it would not rise to the normal position. I tried several positions to no avail, and also tried disconnecting the battery in the hope that it would reset. Reluctantly I booked it in to my local Citroen dealer, expecting a huge repair bill. But all they found was a blown fuse. I collected the car today, and it now goes up and down as it should, but it seems to ride too high in the normal position, and doesn't "settle down" when parked, and the engine switched off. Before I go back to the dealer, does anyone know what the normal height measurements should be. Thanks
  7. I supplied the bulb, and that was only for 1 side ;)
  8. Thanks, but the job is done now. I only need to know for future reference.
  9. Yes, headlight bulbs. Anyone know where the procedure is for removing bumper please?
  10. Are you saying that this is a known issue?
  11. It's not the slipping in I had a problem with. It's the slipping out. I struggled to get the connector off, then couldn't get the spring off. Passenger side was ok, but drivers side was just beyond me. So I still need to know how to get the headlight units out/bumper off.
  12. Hiya. How did you take the bumper off? I can't figure it out. Cheers
  13. That procedure seems more like one of the games the grandchildren play on their DS. As for the radio, it is now working. I remembered that the on off push switch on the unit had been playing up, and I had not been able to turn it off. I messed with it this morning, pulling it in and out, and hey presto, the radio sprang to life. Must try the windows though.
  14. Hi Chris. I think 2005 must be different. I already found that link and tried to follow it, but couldn't find the 4 torx screws :o( The problem was, I got the connector off, but dislodged the bulb in the process when trying to pull. Then I could only just get the end of a finger onto the spring. I couldn't push it back and sideways at the same time. I just hope the new bulbs last a few years. The most annoying part is it was the passenger side bulb which had blown. I only replaced the driver side because it is recommended to change them in pairs :o(
  15. What do you mean by everything shut down? The car had been sitting on the drive for an hour or so when I disconnected the battery. The radio wasn't actually turned off at the unit, just from the ignition. Everything else still works fine :)(
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