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Everything posted by jenny

  1. hi, after trying for ages to know what to do with my car, i found this website so thought i could ask for some advice?? i have the same common problems with my pluirel as every body else it seems but i am very fed up and could do with some help!i bought my car just over a year ago in sept 03 and ever since then it has been in the garage 3 times for the leaky seal on the drivers door, also i ahve not been able to start it twice and had to have citreon assist out on one occasion but sods law and it started when they arrived but they thought it may be something wrong with the immobilser. i rang the dealer this morning and was inofrmed that again it would have to go back into the garage, i am sick of being treated as an idiot by the gargae also as because i am a 23 year old girl i must also be stupid...i have never even had the rook arches off so know it cant be that.due to the fact i am at the end of my rag, what do i do now...how can i just get rid of it for good...can i do this if i am on an elect 2 plan????please can any one help me?????thank you x
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