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Everything posted by dacabeem

  1. Al, Fortunately our car although bought secoond hand, was from a dealership and came with a 12 month warranty. Consequently, it was the dealership that picked up the tab for the diagnostics and rectification work. Good luck. Regards Dave W
  2. Well the car has now been in to the Citroen dealership and they have apparently confirmed the fault, via their fault code analysis, albeit intermittent and reprogrammed the computer. Its been fine since (but having said that, it was fine for a week before it went in!). Only time will tell. I'll keep you updated if it goes awry again. Thanks to all those who contributed to this topic - your thoughts were well appreciated. Rgds Dave
  3. Stimulator and Toblerone, Thanks to you both for your contributions to this topic. I'll let you know how I get on with the garage later this week. Rgds Dave
  4. KFK, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've got the car booked in next week with a Citroen garage to see if they can fault find anything but I will mention the information you have given me (if nothing else, it will make me sound as if I know what I'm talking about!). I'll let you know what, if anything, they find. Thanks, Dave
  5. Yes everything works as advertised, apart from the steering. Regarding ABS, I honestly don't know. Thanks Dave
  6. I have recently bought a second hand 52 plate C3 (1.4 SX) for my wife and we have, since March, had absolutely no problems with it at all. That is until last week, when the power steering seems to have taken on a mind of its own. It is a real lottery as to whether it works or not. Out of the last 10 journeys it hasn't worked at all for 3 of them. It doesn't fail mid journey but rather, right from turning the engine on and for the whole trip. The next trip it might be fine again. It doesn't make sense, or does it to some clever person out there? Any advice or have you experienced similar problems? If so, what fixed it - sensor, software? Any help would be greatfully received.
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