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  1. Hi All, thanks for the replies, apologies for late reply - computer crashed over weekend. The light has gone out now and remains off, not sure why. One thing I did notice was that the coolant level was down. On the top of the coolant container there appears to be some sort of overflow pipe - is this what you would epxect. On first look, I thought it should be connected to something, but can't see any loose tubes/hoses. Thanks again
  2. Hi again folks, I have an orange anti-pollution warning light lit up on my 2005 1.1 C3 Desire (Petrol). Manual says to contact dealer, but would appreciate any insight as to what this means is potentially faulty. Thanks
  3. Update - all working now - had a good spray round the engine bay with WD40, also pushed all fuses in. Both displays now back- but another lamp lit on driver instrument display - will post on that separately Thanks
  4. Hello again folks, having issues with both displays (centre and driver) on my 2005 C3 Desire 1.1. Neither working now, so can't see speed, petrol level,temp, radio...etc It is my wife's car, and she says the central display went first, then the driver display. Any advice on what could cause this - also anything I can check out/change before taking to auto electrician or dealer ? Many thanks
  5. Thanks for the reply John. for info, it does not look like the hangers, this is a U-shaped bracket that is fixed to the underside of the car and the rear box "sits" on it (if that makes sense) Thanks again
  6. Hi All, I noticed a rattling/vibration noise from the rear of my 2005 C3 Desire (1.1i petrol). Upon further inspection it looks like a bracket that supports the exhaust tailpipe box at the very rear of the car has rusted through. The tailbox is still being held in place, but I suspect that won't last much longer. I'd like to ask if it is possible to buy a replacement bracket, and if so what should I be asking for. Also, any pointers/recommendations to where I could buy one online would be greatly appreciated. (rough price would be useful too). Is this something a motor factors store would stock ? Thanks in anticipation
  7. Hi Paul, quick update - there was no need to purchase new bolts, the set of replacement pads contained 2 new bolts already treated with anti-lock compound. These fitted perfectly. Think they were Lockheed pads. Job completed last night. Thanks again for the help
  8. Hi Paul, thanks - this is the first time the pads have been replaced as far as I know. I therefore suspect that the original pads are in there and that the bolts should have been tightened to the correct torque
  9. Hi All, looking at replacing front brake pads, the Haynes manual says that the caliper guide pin bolts should be replaced. Can I ask is this strictly necessary ? On other cars I've never had to replace these bolts. If so, is this likely to be a Citroen dealer only purchase? It's a 2005 C3 1.1 Petrol Desire model Thanks in advance
  10. ok thanks Techbod - will keep an eye out for the post
  11. Hi Kfk, my wife tried this out, but no joy. Remote battery might be flat, so will try to replace that and see what happens. If it still doesn't work, then I assume it is a trip to the dealers with wallet open :-) One thought - should I try to resync the existing working key first, and then try the spare ? Thanks
  12. Hi Eddie, yes - no problems at all since. Now if I could only get my spare remote synced up (another thread) without having to fork out cash :-)
  13. Hi Folks, posting here instead of on the "pinned" topic at http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citro...?showtopic=7508 Does anyone know if this procedure should work on a 2005 C3 1.1 Desire ? Thanks
  14. Hi Eddie, try this link... http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citro...amp;#entry36086
  15. Think I went through the same problem - was told it was a thermostat but didn't do the job - needed a download to fix the problem. Details in another C3 thread on this :-) Had no cutting out problems since
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