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  1. Hi again - have read some of your enties herein and thought I'd mention some further problems (apart from frustrating buzz/creaky dashboard) My SX 1.4 Sensodrive (mileage to date 1200) developed a 'kangaroo clutch' (or as some wag put it 'a leapfrog !) Apparently condensate from air-con pipes was entering the clutch actuator wiring/connectors - seemed to cure problem for a few hundred miles but have now experienced 'clutch-judder' or perhaps its clutch engaging/disengaging rapidly in quick succession on pulling away???? Further,the main lcd display is going kaput, average mpg is permanently stuck at 40.3mpg (despite some recent driving in terrain using lots of low gear work!) and average mph is stuck permanently at 6 mph!! What next I wonder???? Problem is that the dashboard rattle doesn't appear with car 'cold' and the clut :P ch judder is intermittant and 'wears off' and probably wont show if presented for dealers inspection!!!
  2. Hi - Have a rattle that starts after around half to one hours running. Happens on roads surfaced with coarser chippings (common here!) Have tried various dodges including passenger applying hand-pressure to areas of dash whilst running. Dealer says its relays behind dash - but thats tosh as resonance stops on entering smoother sufaces. VERY irritating!! Anyone experienced this and/or found cure?????
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