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  1. Hi, I have a 1995/6 Xantia 1.8 Automatic. I was just wondering at what speed / revs should the gears change if all is working OK. Mine goes into 3rd at 2500 revs - this is just on 30mph. It goes back into 2nd if I slow down to 25mph. It goes into 4th at just over 40mph - about the same level of revs and goes back to 3rd at 35mph. Just want to know if this is running as efficiently as it should - MPG sems to be very low even for an automatic. Although it seems to be better since I changed the front Spheres. Any help gratefully received.
  2. With the level indicator, is it the top thing that lloks like a chinaman's hat at the top or is it the flat disc in the middle? In the manual I got with the car (picked it up for £125 can't be bad) it says the "yellow indicator" but the top hat thing is orange which made me question this. Thanks
  3. Job Done! :lol: Got Spheres from Euro Parts (Bellingham) for £52 the pair including VAT. Nearside came off easy by hand but the other one needed a bit more assistance with an oil filter wrench!! Now riding as smooth as a baby's bottom.
  4. I am picking up a Xantia tomorrow and I know it has the same problem - I was told it was a DIY job. How much and where is the best place to get the Spheres from? Do you have the engine on, put it in low suspension setting, turn off engine, release pressure screw, change spheres, turn on engine, move up and down - JOB DONE?
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