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John M

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  1. Fairly simple answer I'm afraid; It's not running now! It happened again while I was out and about and had to eventually resort to the breakdown company. The first thing he said was 'Immoboliser' and then got a tow truck. The previous owner found the remote key, but even after soldering etc, it wouldn't link to the car, so I've had to resort to buying another car, and this has been parked up since. If anyone knows how to get past the Immobiliser (that apparently should be there!) that would help...
  2. Thanks for the reply previously. We managed to get the car started after leaving the battery disconnected for a while, and then running a supply direct from the battery to the glowplugs. (This also happened to a bloke at work the week before, and this was the advice given to him). This then allowed it to start, and has been OK (so far) from then. Yes, there is also a potential leak somewhere on the fuel side, as the bulb goes soft and can be pressed a few times before it starts. Anyway, thanks for the advice.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I did think that the alarm was turned off (due to it not going off when I open the doors with the key) but I will check again what position the switch under the bonnet is set to. Prior to this it was difficult to start anyway, and it did need priming if left for a day or so, but would fire after two to three attempts. This is the first time that the other warning lights, including the glowplug light, haven't all come on when the ignition is started. (Hence thinking it was the immobiliser). Any other ideas?
  4. Hello. I've just bought an 'M' reg 1994 Xantia 1.9TD. It didn't come with the remote key, just the ordinary key to insert into the door. Until yesterday this has been OK with starting the car. It has now refused to let the car start. The engine turns over, but only the battery and handbrake lights come on, and the red LED above the radio has now started to flash. (I can't remember it flashing before). Is it now that the immobiliser has somehow become active? Is there anything else I can do to get it started? Many thanks for any help.
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