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Everything posted by beachlife

  1. Decided that all the wiindscreen wipers need replacing. Noticed that the front wipers are 2 different sizes. As the car was bought second hand wondered if they should be like this? What is the standard size for both wipers at the front? Also had difficulty getting the rear wiper off. Can`t see how it comes off, anyone give me a pointer who to take the rear wiper off without damaging it. Also what size can you go up to on the rear? The present wiper at the rear looks like it could be increased in size to give more cleaning sweep.
  2. My wife has a C3 and does not have a problem with the handbrake. I have a Vauxhall Vectra and over the years a number of people have reported cars rolling backwards with the handbrake engaged. This was actually an issue raised on BBC`s Watchdog. Vauxhall have claimed there is no problem with the Vectra handbrake but Vecyta owners were sent a sticker (very high tec) to put on their visor advising them that when they engage handbrake not to press the button as it is applied. It seems that the teeth of the handbrake can slip out of their setting when the button is pressed. Why the teeth were not made bigger or the seating for the teeth designed for the teeth better only Vauxhall knows. However if you are having problems with the handbrake and worried this might be another solution.
  3. I can only see 1 white lever at the front on my fuse box. Tried to turn it and it just doesn`t want to turn. Does this plastic lever need much force as its only plastic worried that excess force will crack it and make it inoperable. The one white lever that I can see is on the front right of the fuse box.
  4. Thanks for reply. No need to be in the fuse box at the moment. Just being a boy scout and being prepared. You can bet a fuse will go in the middle of the night in the middle of no where better to make sure I can change a fuse now.
  5. The fuse box is located In the passngers glove box. However the plate for the fuses is diificult to access. Does the actual plate slide out or do are you expected to get the fuses out in situ. I notice that there is a white lever just by the side of the plate. Is this a release mechanism for the fuse plate? Its very stiff and I don`t want to force it if it doesn`t have this function.
  6. Well early days so far but am pleased with the C3 so far. Build quality is not as bad as I thought. Although body panels are rather thin and why didn`t they paint under the bonnet as well? Also why paint the door handles with silver paint that gets worn off. Would have been much better to use plastic coloured handles rather than painted ones.
  7. Got the replacement jet today. Not actually impressed with the washer under the jet can`t see it doing a great job so think I will use Wickes jointing compound and external leak sealer. This cures and does not crack with age but if I want to take it off its easier than sealant. Have a couple of questions. Can get the nozzle out of top of bonnet but without cutting the pipe its impossible for me to get the jet off the pipe did others manage to get jet off the pipe without cuttting pipe? Or did they just cut and replace the bit of pipe? Worried about scratching bonnet as well. Where did you get the rubber pipe that you used and how did you connect it to the main pipe leading back to the reservoir? Seems a good idea about moving the T junction to a safer place. I will also put the external leak sealer around all the connections on the t junction ( belts and braces)
  8. When the manual says drivers side remember this was written for the french. So the label is actually on the passengers side for UK cars. If you look at the pillar near the hinge of the front passengers door you should see the label. Mine says 2.1 bar for the front tyres and 2.3 bar for the rear under light loading. It doesn`t give the lbs/inch mesasurement fortunately I have a digital pen that can be switched to different units of measurement. You might want to invest in one of these.
  9. Took delivery of an 03 C3 yesterday having a good look around after lifting up the bonnet I was puzzled as I could not see the spark plugs. I also could not locate the HT leads. Now I know they are there but where are they hiding? Model is I.4 Desire.
  10. Have just bought a C3 which I pick up on Friday. I checked on the VOSA web page and notice a number of recalls for the vehicle. How will I know if the car has actually had the jobs done? Is there a database which I can check or do I have to contact a dealer or Citoen directly to clarify that the recall jobs have been done?
  11. I have just bought a C3 and have some questions about this. The used car I have bought is out of warrranty. First how do I check if this replacement part has been put onto my car? How much would it cost for the replacement part to be fitted? Is this a simple DIY job?
  12. Thanks guys for the reassurance. My biggest concern is perhaps this will be our first experience of a French car. The image of French cars is of their unreliability. The test drive however impressed me and it certain looks ok. The bumpers are little flexible for my liking and the fact that its belt driven rather than chain perhaps causes me a little concern as we tend to keep the second car a little longer, the car the C3 is replacing in a 1996 Astra which has given good service. As others have said people do usually come on and complain on the internet. However the balance of reviews I have now seen is just a little against the C3 reliability. However I have bitten the bullit and time will now tell. I will be pleased to come back Hook and hopefully we are can both praise the C3. The model we have is a 1.4 Desire.
  13. Went shopping for a second car this weekend for wife. She liked the C3 despite it not being on the list that we were looking for. The price was really good and we had a test ride and both agreed it handled well. However after research when I got home I read conflicting reports about the car. All she wants is a reliable car but it seems that the C3 may not be that. Picking the car up in a week but already regretting it. Should I be? Is it as unrelable as many reviewers and posters on other places say?
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