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  1. Many thanks for your response, The STOP light comes on with the brake fluid level light, just to the left of the STOP light. I have checked the brake fluid level and all seems well, the other thing is that it only happens every now and then. I reckon its just a gremlin!!!! I will ask Citroen about the Alarm. Thanks Again Steve
  2. Hi All I have just bought a Xsara 1.8 VTR, Love the car be i am having a few problems with the following items. * The red stop light in the middle of the dash board comes on every now and then plus at the same time the warining tone sounds, once the car has been restarted the car runs fine and the problem does not repeat it self...... for at least a couple of days. *The ABS light has also come on.... does any body know of any normal problems with the system ??? * Finally the Ultrasonic part of the alarm seems to trigger the alarm after a couple of minutes, if they are disabled the problm does not occure??? any suggestions Many Thanks For any help you may be able to give. Cheers Steve
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