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Everything posted by chris

  1. Hello my name is chris i live in New Zealand. Not many Citroen's here and even less people who know anythging about them. I recently snapped the clutch cable. Between myself and a friend we managed to put a new one in but it is slipping really badly. When it snapped a bolt on the arm fell out. Now we dont know the proper size to put back in. It may need a new clutch plate but it does run well sometimes and then it'll slip. I'm sure we dont have the right size bolt and have not locked it properly. My questions: Can anyone please help? Are there supposed to be two bolts on the adjustment arm? How long are thes bolts? I love my little Citroen but living in a remote part of New Zealand it's not the best car to get help with. Any help would be hugely appreciated. THanks Chris Blyth
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