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  1. whats a throttle body clean out????? thats the least of my worries at the moment tho, last week i paid extortionate money for my bulbs to be changed in the dash cos they had blown, i was sure it was a fuse, but no the dude in the shop said its thew bulbs, last night they blew again... what do i do... do i take it back and demand the cash back and try repair it myself... if so were do i start.... or do i take it someone else??? what could be causing them to blow???
  2. awww cheers again dave, another question i have is.... At the start of journey when car has be left over night or for couple of days... while excerlerating the revs go up but doesnt seem to be much excerleration, even after shifting up gears.. this doesnt happen very often, but enough to cause worry, when it is doing this it feels like there is a ristriction and once up into 3rd gear at bout 30mph/50kmph its euro speedo so in k´s , it seems to sit there for a while maybe 2mins or so then after that everything seems ok, what could this be???????
  3. cheers for the advice dave.... am currently in germany and to get it serviced it is going to cost 180 euro which is basically 180 quid nowerdays... i was thinking bout doing it all myself but not sure how to but willing to learn is it best getting a mechanic to do the first as am pretty sure it hasnt been serviced for a long time!!!!
  4. well hello, i am new to this site and have just bought my very first car... a citroen zx 1.6i, shes very old and raggid, i dont know what to do, I want to keep her and maintain her and get her looking summits like new again, were do i start??? Is it going to be worth it??? I have always had a dream to do up a car and is this the car to do it????? Any answers and help would be very appreciated, cheers, will.
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