Well just an update, DPF has been emptied and also the CAT, before remap. its recomended to remap before the deFAPing and deCATing. Remap done curtesy of woodywoodpecker, although I do have the software to do this, I have put the remap on to the ecu and everything seems to be running as it should, only problem I have is the fuel consumption but that could be down to the after market air flow sensor (another part that can cause an ESP/ASR fault) well since the remap done about 1500 miles and had no problems or warning lights. Yesterday I put back on the original ECU map to eliminate the fuel consumption being caused by the remap, it is still returning the same, I will be trying an original citroen air flow sensor some time soon, as I suspect the after market sensor is over fueling. I will let you know the out come, but from what i have seen this remap does do what its supposed to do. What i did notice, is the car went into regen mode tonight after doing about 140 miles, but no warning lights apeared.