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  1. Thanks for that info Steve, i have sent him an email and awaiting a reply.
  2. Hi all, I have a vehicle fitted with the PSA 2.2 HDi diesel engine. Had some good info off this site, so will pass this on. My car was suffering from a puffing injector, were exhaust gasses were passing the injector indicating a faulty injector seal, on closer inspection it turned out to be 2 very loose injector retaining bolts. now i have never touched the injectors in the 3 years i have owned this vehicle, so was suprised that they were so loose, result one broken injector. I also checked the other 3 injector retaining bolts, and found these to be well under the recommended torque, ie not very tight. this is on a 2001 C5 2.2 HDi auto with 200000 miles. Now require a new injector, if any one knows of were i can get one from for a good price.
  3. Ok thanks for that.
  4. Hi can any one tell me how the headlights are adjusted, mainly up and down. Thanks
  5. Well just an update, DPF has been emptied and also the CAT, before remap. its recomended to remap before the deFAPing and deCATing. Remap done curtesy of woodywoodpecker, although I do have the software to do this, I have put the remap on to the ecu and everything seems to be running as it should, only problem I have is the fuel consumption but that could be down to the after market air flow sensor (another part that can cause an ESP/ASR fault) well since the remap done about 1500 miles and had no problems or warning lights. Yesterday I put back on the original ECU map to eliminate the fuel consumption being caused by the remap, it is still returning the same, I will be trying an original citroen air flow sensor some time soon, as I suspect the after market sensor is over fueling. I will let you know the out come, but from what i have seen this remap does do what its supposed to do. What i did notice, is the car went into regen mode tonight after doing about 140 miles, but no warning lights apeared.
  6. double post
  7. I have an 01 C5, with 196k miles. I find WD40 on the on the pivot points shuts it up.
  8. Just a warning re ESP/ASR if display flashes up that it's not functioning believe me it isn't, TC and ABS still work though, found this out last week in the snow when the back end let go at a junction and ended up side ways on the wrong side of the road. Any way re the ESP and Anti pollution fault I have replaced MAF sensor and both problems have disappeared and car is back upto full power, oh and they don't always show up as a fault.
  9. A new to me turbo now fitted and working. Back to auto locking doors.
  10. ok thanks.
  11. thanks but would it be about the same price for the 2.2 hdi?
  12. cheers for that Coastliner the button works to lock the doors but not to set it to auto lock, but all immeterial now as I have blown the turbo on it, and if i cant find a reasonably priced replacement turbo it will be getting scrapped. Thanks Alan
  13. Hi my C5 is a 2001 model with out this feature, I would like to know if any one knows if its possible to retrofit this feature, I have tried the lock button in the car and it doesnt activate it. Thanks Alan.
  14. Hi I also have the same problem, but mine is on a 2001 which has done 190000 miles, I honestly dont think it any thing serious other than rust on the radius arm pivot faces (if you know what I mean) this has been like this for well over 18 months, my car has gone through 3 MOT tests (taxi has 6 month tests)and non have ever mentioned bearing wear, I usually just apply light oil at the pivot points and that shuts it up for a month or so. There is defenetly nothing wrong with the actual bearings on my vehicle, radious or wheel, as this would show up on abnormal tyre wear, my rears have been on about 2 years and done about 40000 miles and have an even wear all round. I would do this or get a mechanic to oil these pivot points before looking at any expensive repairs.
  15. Not got the cable yet, hopefully will have it next week, I havnt recieved any mail of you i'm afraid. So looking forward to getting this off the car. thanks Alan
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